Europass Academy Berlin staff is active since many years in the fields of education ‒ in particular concerning the teaching of foreign languages ‒ and vocational training through the organization of internships in all professional fields.
Francesco Molinari
CEO & Managing Director
Degree in Classical Philology.
Long-time experience as EU project manager, involved in several EU projects (KA1, KA2 and KA3) with many European countries.
Cordination and organization of transnational meetings (KA2) and Erasmus+ KA1 training courses. Experience in Erasmus+ project writing and consulting for schools and institutions.
Languages: Italian (Mother tongue), German (C2), English (C1), French (B2), Spanish (B1).
Ada Rigacci
Course Director
Degree in Classical Philology.
More than 5 years experience as trainer of innovative learning and teaching methods for international teachers and professors of primary school, secondary school and university;
Involved in several EU projects (KA1, KA2 and KA3) with many European countries. Project coordinator for EU funded programs and project assistant for cultural institutions.
Experience in Erasmus+ project writing and consulting for schools and institutions. Languages: Italian (Mother tongue), German (C2), English (C1), Spanish (B1).
Sabrina Muratore
Project Manager
Master Degree in Language for International
Communication with focus on Italian as L2.
Experience in Erasmus+ project writing.
Experience as trainer of ICT tools courses.
More than 5 years experience as
volunteer with young people.
Languages: Italian (Mother tongue), English (C1), German (C1), Spanish (B1)